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Bleach: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Visoreds


Bleach: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Visoreds

Here are some of the most important features that make the Visored on Bleach such a unique collection of characters.

BY Lalit Jangra

Oct 29,2020

Shinji Hirako, Hiyori Sarugaki

The Visored of Bleach first meet Ichigo through Hirako Shinji, when the latter camouflages himself as a new student at the local high school. They were originally powerful Shinigami, almost entirely consisting of Captains and Vice-Captains, but have since been "exiled" from Soul Society for obtaining Hollowification (even though it is all Aizen's fault.)

Aside from Shinji, the group includes Aikawa Love, Kuna Mashiro, Muguruma Kensei, Outoribashi Roujuurou, Yadoumaru Lisa, and Sarugaki Hiyori. Here are some of the most important features that make the Visored such a unique collection of characters.


Unique Masks

The Visored

Although the process of Hollowification is consistent irrespective of the individual, their core personalities dictate the appearance/structure of their masks. Mashiro's resembles a cricket, Hachigen wears a Balinese Rangda mask, Shinji looks like a skeletal Pharaoh, Hiyori dons a classic skull, Kensei becomes a hockey goalie, and so on.

Unfortunately, the reason for these artistic choices remains unresolved. For instance, why does Rose, with his music-themed powers, have a Black Death doctor mask?


Manipulating Their Inner Hollow

Shinji's hollow mask

When Ichigo struggles with keeping his hollowification under control, Shinji explains to him that his "gang", the Visoreds, are the only ones with the knowledge to help him. Thankfully, the young Substitute Shinigami accepts the proposal, allowing his new friends to transfer him into his inner world where he battles his mirror image.

At the same time, the Visored manage to keep Ichigo's new Hollow form in check, at least for the hour it takes him to finish the job. All of them have gone through an identical stage, indicating that it is a necessary development in these specific cases.


Their Hollowification Has A Time Limit

Love Aikawa's Hollow Mask

For the longest time, Ichigo is unable to maintain his Hollow visage for longer than a few seconds, which often results in serious consequences because his mask has a habit of disappearing right in the middle of a dangerous battle.

This is because there exists a fixed time limit on how long these powers can be active, but it changes depending on the person. However, while the Visored practice for decades to ensure a three-minute cap, Ichigo extends his mask management far beyond their meager attempts.


Power Level Increase

Hiyori vs Ichigo

Aside from their extant Shinigami abilities, such as wielding a zanpakuto and using kidou, the Visored receive an incredible set of Hollow-based powers, making them stronger than ever before. Some of them include augmented durability, spike in reiatsu levels, and a drastic increase in speed and mobility.

Although they are rarely shown fighting opponents at their level (the fact that they lose to Aizen is obviously not a sign of weakness), it can be safely assumed that they surpass Captain tier while wearing their masks.


They Have No Official Leader

Rose, Love, Hachi and Lisa

Since several of the Visoreds were already Captains before being hollowified, it stands to reason that they would be unwilling to follow orders from their colleagues.

As such, the group is superbly well-organized, but there is no chain of command or any type of hierarchy in play. Besides, Vice-Captain Hiyori constantly berates Shinji for the silliest of reasons, and regularly subjects him to physical violence as well.


Not All Of Them Produce Ceros

Shinji's Cero

The Cero is a standard ability that Hollows above Menos Grande level can employ as a form of offense, and it works with spectacular effect. In fact, even the Arrancar (created by means of Hougyoku) and the Visored have shown to possess this specialized skill.

For some reason, though, only three of the latter have been depicted using Ceros — Shinji Hirako and Hiyori Sarugaki's energy blasts are red in color, and Mashiro Kuna's is a vibrant green. It's almost a certain fact that the others have this capability also.


Mashiro's Super Cero

Mashiro's Super Cero

Mashiro Kuna, Kensei Muguruma's Vice-Captain, has evidently worked on her Cero tossing ability a lot more than the remaining Visored. This is shown in her Super Cero, which initially resembles a sphere but is quickly widened across a parabolic arc when she kicks it with full force.

It allows her to vastly expand the range of her attack, and the physical movement of her leg adds sufficient momentum to counter the decrease in power (an inevitable outcome of spreading it too thin.)


They Help Aizen Create White

Although Aizen deems the Visored to be a total failure, rudely referring to them as "mock Arrancar", the fact remains that he would never have been able to create White: the Hollow that is later killed by Masaki Kurosaki (and consequently absorbed into her system.)

The data gathered from the Visored experiments go into further research on the subject, allowing Aizen and Tousen to develop it into a superior specimen of Hollow.


The Visored Mirror The Arrancar

Hiyori, Hachi and Love

As an extension of the point mentioned above, the Visored are the inverse reflections of the Arrancar — the former are Shinigami who can wield Hollow techniques, while the latter are Hollows that resemble the former in a number of ways (like possessing Zanpakutos).

On the other side of the same coin, the ultimate Shinigami release is known as bankai, whereas the Arrancar produce something known as Resurreccion. Of course, both groups can use Sonido to run around.


Ichigo Is Included

Ichigo and the Visored

Although technically the Visoreds refer only to a narrow selection of characters from Soul Society a century in the past, the term applies to Ichigo Kurosaki, albeit indirectly.

He is never called one, because his inner Hollow is derived from his mother, but they are the same for all practical purposes. For example, the presence of a Hollow mask, using Ceros, and unstealable bankai (as Hollow reiatsu is toxic to Quincy); all are traits that define the Visored


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